Debbie Elliott

Branch Manager

NMLS: 477345

Recent Articles

The Housing Market Shift You Didn't See Coming—Is Your Dream Home Finally Within Reach?
If you’ve been keeping an eye on the housing market recently, you know that sellers have had the upper hand for quite some time. With challenging prices, fierce bidding wars, and limited inventory, the market has been heavily tilted in favor of sellers. However, there are signs...
2025 Real Estate Forecast: The Surprising Truth About Buying Now!
As we look ahead to 2025, it’s important to understand where the housing market might be heading. Whether you’re thinking of buying or selling a home, knowing what experts predict can help you make informed decisions. However, if you’re considering holding off on...
Locking In Your Mortgage Rate: Why and When to Lock it
When you're on the path to buying a home, one of the most important decisions is whether to lock in your mortgage rate. But what exactly does that mean, and why is it such a big deal? Let’s break it down. What Is a Mortgage Rate Lock? A mortgage rate lock is like making a reservation at...
Understanding Inflation: What It Means for Homebuyers and Those Considering Refinancing
Inflation. It’s a word that gets thrown around a lot, but what does it really mean for you, especially if you’re thinking about buying a home or refinancing your current mortgage? Let’s break it down in a way that’s easy to digest. What Is Inflation? At its core,...
Busting the Biggest Myths About Buying a Home in 2024
As your local mortgage professionals, we've seen many misconceptions floating around that can make the already complex process of buying a home even more daunting. Let's debunk four of the most common myths about the current housing market, and set the record straight. Myth 1: The...
Is a Second Mortgage Right for You? The Benefits and Pitfalls Explained
A second mortgage is a loan taken out against the value of your home, in addition to your primary mortgage. Essentially, it allows homeowners to tap into their property's equity for various purposes. While this financial tool can be beneficial, it's important to understand its potential...
New vs. Existing: Why a Newly Built Home Could Be the Better Deal
If you're looking for a new home, you might want to give newly built homes a closer look. Contrary to popular belief, new homes aren't always pricier than existing ones. In fact, they can often be more budget-friendly, especially in today's market. Sounds surprising, right? But let's dive...
Navigating Refinance Appraisals with Confidence
Refinancing your mortgage is an exciting step toward better financial health. But before you can bask in the benefits of a new loan, there's one crucial hurdle: the home appraisal. Don't worry, though—we've got you covered with everything you need to know to ace this part of the...
Tax Deductibility of Home Equity Loans in 2024
Home equity loans have long been a popular financing option for homeowners looking to tap into the value of their homes. One of the major advantages of these loans is the potential for tax-deductible interest. However, the deductibility of home equity loan interest is subject to certain...
Is Your Dream Neighborhood in a Buyer's Market? Here's How to Find Out
Deciding to buy a home goes beyond just finding the ideal location—it's about understanding how specific neighborhoods can differ from national trends when it comes to timing your investment If you're wondering whether your desired neighborhood is in a buyer's market,...
Understanding Your FICO Score: Key to Better Home Loan Rates
Have you ever wondered what that mysterious number, your FICO score, is all about? If so, you're not alone. A lot of people hear about it but don't fully understand how it works or why it matters. Let's break it down in simple terms. What Exactly Is a FICO Score? Your FICO score is a three-digit...
The Biggest Mistakes Potential Homebuyers are Making Right Now
Homeownership remains a cornerstone of the American dream, but navigating today's market presents unique challenges. With higher mortgage rates, rising home prices, and a limited inventory of homes for sale, buyers must tread carefully. Here are some of the biggest mistakes...
Avoid These 5 Expensive Kitchen Mistakes When Buying Your First Home
Buying your first home is an exciting milestone, but it can also be a minefield of hidden costs and unexpected issues, especially in the kitchen. As the heart of the home, the kitchen is where you’ll spend a lot of time, so it’s crucial to ensure it’s in good shape. Here...
Understanding Hazard Insurance: What Homeowners Need to Know
Owning a home comes with various responsibilities, one of which is ensuring that the property is adequately insured. A common term you might encounter is "hazard insurance." But what exactly is hazard insurance, and how does it differ from homeowners insurance? Moreover, can you claim...
Tips for Buying a Home at a Lower Cost
While it’s not always possible to stumble upon a fantastic house at a rock-bottom price, there are strategic approaches you can take to increase your chances of buying a home for less. Here are some tips to help you navigate the process and potentially save money on your next home...
9 Home Buying Myths Debunked – Don’t Fall for These Common Traps!
When it comes to buying a home, there's no shortage of advice from well-meaning friends, family, and social media. But not all of it is accurate! Let's bust some common myths and get you on the right path to homeownership. Myth #1: You Need a 20% Down Payment Fact: You don't need a 20% down...
Understanding the Differences Between Mortgage Insurance and Homeowners Insurance
New homeowners are often confronted with various financial and insurance-related decisions, including understanding the difference between mortgage insurance and homeowners insurance. Although both are crucial for safeguarding financial interests related to your home, they...
5 Ways You Might Actually be Sabotaging Your Homebuying Efforts
With the housing market heating up, it's like a battlefield out there, with buyers scrambling to claim their dream homes. But amidst the frenzy, there are pitfalls that even the savviest of buyers might stumble into. Let's talk about those, shall we? 1. Ignoring the Seller's Needs It's...
Why You Need a Real Estate Agent When Buying a Home
In today's digital world, buying just about anything is as simple as a few clicks. But when it comes to buying a home, the most significant purchase you'll likely ever make, it's a whole different ballgame. The process is complicated, the stakes are high, and the risks are too big to ignore...
Demystifying Home Loans: The Scoop on Conventional and Non-Conforming Loans
When it comes to buying a home, understanding your mortgage options can feel like learning a new language. Let's break down the essentials of "conventional" and "non-conforming" loans and see how they fit into your home-buying plan. What's a Conventional Loan? Imagine you're...

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